Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Reason Why Your Heart Breaks...Literally

So I stumble across this great psychological study in Psychology Today that was just conducted and written about this past April on "The Neuroscience of Relationship Breakups" - Written by: Melanie A. Greenberg Ph.D.  Researchers asked for participants who have experienced an unwanted breakup in the past six months, and they studied their brain activity. One of their findings that blew me away was "Our brains appear to process relationship breakups similarly to physical pain". Talk about heart break!

This got me thinking of a song I wrote, and recorded that is featured on my new album, "What Could've Been".  The song is called, "Reason Why Your Heart Breaks" (produced by: Tiago Gouveia, from Portugal), and it was inspired by a Facebook status posted by my good friend, Mocha Dee, as she's known on Facebook. The status was posted I believe last fall, and it said something like, Ladies, ever wonder the reason why you experience heart break. (I'm paraphrasing).  One of the biggest guilty pleasures people have (admit it) on Facebook is seeing when "relationship statuses" change. And of course the comments after the status change read: "What happened?" or "It's about time", or "Let me know if you need anything".  Unless we know what happened personally, we can not know if it was a wanted, or unwanted breakup. Maybe it was mutual.  In any event, I wrote the song to reach those who get their heart broken. When the breakup hits them with shock, or when unfortunately they find out their partner has falling in love with someone else.

You can hear the song at , and if you know someone who has gone through a recent breakup, or you yourself may be experiencing a breakup, read that article above, and go download the song for free (you do have to join the Jared Jones Journey mailing list on the website first, but hey, free music!)

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