Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Music Video Shoot October 30-31

It's amazing that this past June, shooting a music video was the furthest thing from my mind. I wanted to write songs, record the album, get it out, and begin performing like crazy. After conversations with close friend, and music producer, Ezemdi, I realized the importance of getting a visual representation of my music, myself, and overall...my brand. The Jared Jones brand. Whether I'm writing for another artist, or performing my own songs, it all reflects my brand. Just like Pepsi has commercials, I should have something that visually represents me, and can propel my music career to unseen heights.

We are all going to YouTube even just to listen to songs, and viral videos spread faster than wildfire. So I put in the time, and connected with a great video production team (www.brickyardrecords.com). They wrote a great concept for my first video for the song "What Could've Been", and set the shooting dates for the last weekend of this month, October 30-31. I'm very excited to be working with them, and the shoot will be a lot of fun.

I'm a creator first, more than a songwriter, more than an artist, and more than a business person...I am a creator first. And seeing the vision come to life is something I've never experienced. Can't wait to see how people like it.

- Jared