Sunday, March 18, 2012

40 Acts of Compassion - YouTube Video

I was curious as to what I wanted to write about this week, and began browsing Facebook to see if anything I wanted to weigh in on caught my eye. A friend of mine, and my brother in Christ, Micah Christian posted a recent status saying..."If you're looking for little ways to change the world...". I proceeded to the YouTube link titled "40 Acts of Compassion". And I'll admit, probably like many of you, I had the TV on in the background, cell phone by my side, etc. After about a minute, I paused the video, and made sure the TV was muted. I really wanted to focus on the messages in the video (one of which I think I even contributed to and had forgot about). I've posted the video below, and please take a break, and spend the next five minutes viewing positive, reinforcing messages on the little things we can all do to change the world...